A few weeks ago, I was a guest at the Nutanix Cloudscape event together with Marian Spier. The event was all about the “journey” and in our case it was about our journey in entrepreneurship.
For me this event was twice as nice, because it also brought me back to a number of former colleagues with whom I have always enjoyed working together at Nutanix.
In addition, it also brought me back to where entrepreneurship once started for me, the risks I took at the time, all the ups and downs, but also the enormous growth I experienced.
Entrepreneurship is an enormous passion for me and all those years, after the acquisition of eXpertise-IT, which I have been in corporate life, I have always been restless. Looking for more, too stubborn (according to some…), looking for how things could be done better and more efficiently and looking for a certain form of freedom…
That is why I also believe that, if you really want to go and build your own business and if you feel that passion inside you, you just have to go for it! Even if you feel that you are not 100% ready yet, because you will never be. Entrepreneurship is trial and error, discovering things, developing yourself and learning new things!
If you really do something that makes your heart beat faster and for which you have enormous enthusiasm, you can make it a success and you will always find a way that works! Don’t give up when the going gets tough, but grab your learning moments. See how things can be done differently and better.
Make your plan, jump and go for it!
Make IT happen!