Power Letter: The power of doing less

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week!  A quote that inspired me:“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “I love this quote because it challenges the outdated belief that success is just about grinding harder. […]

BLOG: 8 Ways to train your mind for resilience (and never let setbacks break you)

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

In sales and business, setbacks aren’t just common—they’re guaranteed. Deals will fall through, clients will change their minds, and sometimes, despite your best efforts, things just won’t go your way. The difference between those who stay stuck and those who rise? Resilience. And here’s what 20 years of martial arts taught me: resilience isn’t something […]

Power Letter: Let’s talk mental resilience

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me:“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” — Charles Darwin This quote resonates deeply with me, especially in today’s corporate world. In our fast-paced, ever-changing environments, it’s […]

Power Letter: Stop working harder – Do this instead

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me:“If hard work alone was the key to success, every construction worker would be a millionaire.” We’ve been sold the idea that success = grinding 24/7. That if you’re not exhausted, you’re not working hard enough. Total nonsense if you […]

Video: Interview by Dana Kohut for The Prime View

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Most people choose a lane—tech or sports, career or personal growth. But why settle when you can rewrite the rules and do it all? I recently had the honor of sitting down with Dana Kohut for The Prime View where we dove into my journey from karate champion to tech entrepreneur and my mission to […]

Power Letter: Balance versus High Performance

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me:“”You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” — David AllenThis one hits home, right? It’s a reminder that we need to choose our battles wisely and focus on what truly matters A life hack: How do you define what […]

Power Letter: Forget New Year’s resolutions

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me:“Stop shrinking to fit places you’ve outgrown.”​This one hit me like a freight train this week. Why? Because 2025 isn’t just another year—it’s THE year to stop playing small and start owning your space. A life hack: Forget New Year’s […]

Power Letter: Love yourself, even when you’re still in the messy, healing phase

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week!  A quote that inspired me:“I enjoy me right now. I really f*cking do. She’s evolving. She’s still hurting, but she’s healing. It’s raw, transparent, and fulfilling all at once to be in this space.” 2024 was a wake-up call, and let me tell you—some […]

Power Letter: Unstoppable mental strenght

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week!  A quote that inspired me:“Physical strength will get you through the day, but mental strength will make you unstoppable.”Translation? You can bench-press a truck, but if your head isn’t in the game, you’re not winning anything worth keeping…. This one hit me hard because […]

Power Letter: A solid morning routine is no BS

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey!Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week!A quote that inspired me:“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson MandelaA life hack: Morning routines get a lot of […]

Power Letter: 7 small habits that are life changing

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me: “Performance is never a coincidence. Those who seem to have it all are often the people who have a system that allows them to go out and get it” – James A. King A life hack: You don’t always […]

Podcast: The Bumpy Ride (by Manon Yassa)

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Succes draait niet alleen om cijfers! Echt succes draait om wie je wilt zijn en wat je wilt bereiken, op jouw manier! In de nieuwste Bumpy Ride podcast-aflevering van Manon Yassa deel ik wat succes voor mij betekent en hoe ik het nastreef… Elke dag weer We praten over: 🍀 De kracht van intrinsieke motivatie: […]

Power Letter: The power of reflection

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures. Compete with yourself, not with others. Judge yourself on what is your personal best, and you’ll accomplish more than […]

Artikel: Wordt een functioneel beheerder in 5 stappen!

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Wordt een KICK-ASS functioneel beheerder in 5 stappen 🚀 Functioneel beheer is een geweldig vak, maar de dagelijkse hectiek kan je soms overnemen…. Hoe blijf je in controle en lever je topresultaten? Hoe blijf je proactief, ondersteun je je gebruikers optimaal en laat je jouw waarde zien zonder jezelf voorbij te lopen? Ik schreef er […]

Power Letter: 4 tips to build your high performance system

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me: It’s normal to feel afraid when you put your own goals and ambitions ahead of what others expect from you. But do you know what’s even more frightening? Realizing you’ve spent your life following someone else’s vision instead of […]

Podcast: “Dan vind je me toch niet aardig”

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate | Podcast | Sanne van Arnhem

Je kunt niet echt gelukkig zijn als je jezelf verliest om anderen te pleasen…. Dat was mijn conclusie na mijn podcast opname met Sanne van Arnhem Ik was te gast in haar nieuwe podcast “Dan vind je me toch niet aardig”, waarin we het uitgebreid hadden over de drang om aardig gevonden te worden.. We […]

Power Letter: 5 Proven strategies to skyrocket your energy and crush your goals

Hendrika Willemse | Author | Speaker | High Performance Expert | She in IT | Karate

Hey! Here’s your by-weekly 4 minute read to kick-start your week! A quote that inspired me: Retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for an imaginary tomorrow – Naval A life hack: If you’re ready to break free from low energy and start crushing your goals, here are five powerful strategies you can start using […]

Salesbazen Podcast – Natasja Schepers

Salesbazen | Podcast | Natasja Schepers | Hendrika Willemse

Onze salesbaas van vandaag  begon haar carrière bij Getronics als accountmanager en ging daarna al snel de people business in. Bij Content groeide ze door van accountmanager naar sales manager en was ze verantwoordelijk voor ruim 30 miljoen aan omzet. Daarna vertrok ze naar Unique om haar journey voort te zetten. Eerst als corporate client […]

Article: Consultancy.eu

Hendrika Willemse | Devoteam | Diversity in Tech | High performing team

Diversity as a cornerstone for building high performing teams When diversity becomes the cornerstone of teams, they become high performing and are empowered to deliver exceptional results. Hendrika Willemse-Vreugdenhil from Devoteam outlines the resounding link between the two and how diversity can be unlocked for better results. Many companies pour their efforts into diversifying their teams, yet […]

International Women’s Day 2024

Equals | Hendrika Willemse | International Women's Day 2024

“Role models show that there are no limits to what women can achieve” 🫶🏼 Today is International Women’s Day and I’m very proud and grateful to be in a role model campaign this year 🚀 Never in a million years my younger self would ever think that I would be a role model… “You can’t […]

Article Devoteam Trend Report 2024

Devoteam | Trend Report | Hendrika Willemse

“In our pursuit of diversity, we often find ourselves trapped in the first part of the equation – diversity itself – while forgetting the essential second half: inclusivity. Many companies pour their efforts into diversifying their teams, yet it’s critical to realize that without creating an environment where individuals feel safe, valued, and empowered, there’s […]

Salesbazen Podcast – Jennifer Vink

Salesbazen | Podcast | Jennifer Vink | Hendrika Willemse

🎙️ New podcast alert 🚨 Onze Salesbaas van vandaag is Jennifer Vink en op dit moment is zij Director of Digital Native Sales bij Google! Ze begon haar carierre met het bouwen van haar eigen business. Ze groeide op in Denemarken en waagde daar de sprong het ondernemerschap in. Na de verkoop van haar bedrijf […]

Podcast: Empower Women

Podcast | Empower Women | Hendrika Willemse | Sandra Lagace

Beluister het Podcast interview van Sandra Lagace, founder van het Empower Women Event, met Hendrika Willemse. Hendrika Willemse noemt zichzelf een multifunctional. Ze is moeder, spreker, country manager en ex meervoudig wereld kampioen karate. Ze geeft trainingen en is auteur van het boek ‘’Kick Ass’’. Vrouwen mogen meer voor goud gaan en niet meer genoegen […]

Podcast: Jill van Dreumel

Podcast | Jill van Dreumel | Hendrika Willemse | She in IT

New Podcast Alert! 🚨 Deze aflevering ben ik in gesprek met Jill van Dreumel! Jullie kennen haar misschien wel van Beheroes of hier van LinkedIn, want met grote regelmaat deelt zij haar inzichten, kennis en kunde rondom functioneel beheer! Tijdens deze aflevering gaan we in gesprek over onder andere:🔥 Haar journey de IT in🔥 Waar haar […]

Video: Business Insider

Video Business Insider | Hendrika Willemse

Een aantal weken geleden werd ik uitgenodigd door Business Insider Nederland voor een interview over talent ontwikkeling! Zie hier het resultaat 🎉 Samen met 3 anderen gingen we in gesprek over de volgende onderwerpen:🔥 Essentiele skills voor de toekomst🔥 Digitaal leiderschap🔥 Techsavvy zijn🔥 Je plan maken versus een agile mindset


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Wil jij het maximale uit jezelf en uit je carrière halen? Bestel dan nu direct jouw exemplaar van Kick-Ass (Het ultieme handboek voor ambitieuze vrouwen) via de onderstaande link of bij onder andere Bruna, Bookspot, Scheltema of De Vries van Stockum!